WELLfed Gardens
"I learned how to share and plant stuff that I didn't even know existed which made me learn more about vegetables and plants.
It helped me a lot because I shared a lot of good stuff about WELLfed with my family"
The garden is used:
to provide fresh, seasonal produce for WELLfed classes
to develop a foundation of knowledge about plant growth, composting, soil building and urban ecology through themes of Belonging, Health and Well-being, Integration and Relationships:
to educate our Learners
as a local hub to learn about growing kai for local school tamariki
WELLfed operates from the old Cannons Creek bowling club. Alongside the building space, we have converted the bowling green into a flourishing community garden, with three dedicated team members.
ALL WELCOME! Join us for Plant and Learn in the WELLfed Garden
Join the WELLfed Garden crew each Wednesday morning to spend some time gardening and learning!
No experience or skills are necessary - our awesome team can teach you about when and how garden tasks need doing and lots of skills you can use in your own garden. Stay for a little while or as long as you want. You'll need closed-in shoes (we don't want anyone getting hurt) and to be dressed appropriately for being outside.
Garden tasks include composting, seed starting, seed sowing, plant health, biology first gardening (working with nature).
Sharing morning tea (delicious WELLfed snacks provided!) is also a great chance to connect with other awesome humans in our community.
Pre-schoolers are welcome during term time and during the school holidays you are welcome to bring school-aged kids. They can get stuck in and connect with Papatunuku as well, or there is space for outdoor play. Children must be supervised by their caregivers whilst onsite.
Plant and Learn session are weather and staffing dependant - we will post in the Facebook event if we won't be gardening due to weather or sickness.